Low managing the longevity of the product and adapting it to customer needs. The construction of a Marketing narrative that educates the market and the investment in technological advances, for example, are initiatives that renew the usefulness of what a company sells. If you want to know more about the life cycle of a product and discover what strategies can be executed to manage it, keep reading the article! ADVERTISEMENT First of all, what is a product? Why do products have cycles? Does every product have a life cycle? What phases does the life cycle of a product have? What strategies work at each phase of the cycle? Conclusion First.
of all, what is a product? I know the question may sound Iran WhatsApp Number Data obvious, but it is very important to think about the definition of a product to understand what it requires to avoid being forgotten. According to the marketing mix concept , presented by Philip Kotler , a product is a good that is intended to satisfy the needs, intentions or problems of a consumer market. The definition encompasses many types of articles, right? chairs, candy packets, cellphones, Computer programs, and many more.

There are a lot of types of products, but some attributes put them in the same category. One of them is materiality. The user of a product will always be able to interact with a product through the senses, which directly influence the purchase decision. If you want to buy a book, for example, your eyes will evaluate the visual quality of the work, while your fingers can feel the state of the paper. On the contrary, it is not possible to perceive a service in the same way. When you decide to buy a plane ticket, for example, you are contracting the service offered by the airline. In this case, there is no way to h