Problems with site speed may be associated with errors in the code, outdated technologies on which the site was developed, or unnecessary site plugins. Pay attention to these points. Statistics on Usability of real estate agency websites in Minsk Sites with phone numbers that you can click on in the mobile version of the site and get dialed Sites that have a target action for the user (request a call, leave a request, get a consultation , etc. ) Human understandable A URL that can be read and understand what the page is about. Almost all websites are responsive.
That is, they can be viewed both from a PC and from Asia Mobile Number List smartphones. have a target action in the form of application forms that work correctly, an SSL certificate that ensures a secure user connection to the site. On the negative side out of sites have non-clickable phone numbers, and % do not have CNC. What to do Make sure that your website always has an SSL certificate connected. Mark all phone numbers with the “telto” tag - this will make them clickable. Implement a targeted action on your website pages so that users can leave their

and you can call them back. Conclusion According to the audit results, all websites of the sample of real estate agencies in Minsk have growth points. The leader scored points out of possible. We hope that the recommendations in the article are useful to you and will help you stay one step ahead of your competitors.And if you want us to give individual recommendations for your site, fill out the form below To get a consultation Author of the article Artyom Virkovsky Artyom Virkovsky Account manager About the client Multidisciplinary medical center in Minsk.