They help us stay in touch with our loved ones, find a partner through new applications, buy practically anything without leaving home with just one click, etc. Come on, they help us in so many aspects of our lives that it would be almost impossible to list them all. But how can new technologies help people who want to carry out a personal or business project and do not have enough money to do so? Until not long ago, if you wanted to create your own company, the options you had to finance it were: apply for subsidies , ask for help from family or friends, use your savings or take out bank loans.
But thanks to the arrival of the internet into our lives, you currently have the Cambodia Phone Number Data possibility of acquiring financing for your project through crowdfunding. Below we tell you what crowdfunding is , we explain its origins, how it works, what modalities exist, what are the best platforms to use this form of financing, and lastly we give you examples of companies that have proliferated thanks to it. . Let's start! what is crowdfunding As we were telling you in the introduction, crowdfunding is one of the existing forms of financing so that people or companies that do not have sufficient resources can start to get to work and launch their business idea on the market.

The term crowdfunding has been coined relatively recently, and therefore is not defined in the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). However, in Spanish we could translate the concept as crowdfunding, collective financing or participatory financing . But it is increasingly common to find the term directly as an Anglicanism: ”crowdfunding”. However, at ThePowerMBA we are going to define this concept so that you understand it perfectly, since it is gaining more and more importance in the world of startups and also helps finance projects of different types , both creative, charitable and business.