products" and "markets", which are the two overall dimensions. Below that, there are additional dimensions, which are respectively "current and new". Based on these dimensions, Ansoff has pointed out four different growth strategies: Market penetration Market development Product development Diversification So when you look at Ansoff's growth matrix, you look at the growth strategies mentioned above, which we will elaborate on in the following: Market penetration.
Also called market penetration, deals with a strategy which WhatsApp Number List is based on increasing the sales of one of the current products, for example a coffee machine or espresso machine, in the current market. this applies: Expand the current market by attracting new customers Get current customers to buy more You can conquer the competitor's customers Expand the uses that are on the product This Ansoff's growth strategy is the easiest of the four because you are not faced with new competitors, as well as new markets. Market development is a strategy where the company tries to implement the current product, let's just say a coffee machine, in a new market.
This can be done by, for example: Experiment with new export markets geographically Experiment with a completely different target group in other countries However, it is a growth strategy which can initially cause revenue and sales to fall, because promotion of the coffee machine or new customers must be implemented. In product development in Ansoff's model, the company's coffee machine product lines are expanded and sold to the current market, where the company tries to introduce a new product (for example, an espresso machine).