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發表於 2023-10-9 17:18:00 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
You've probably heard of new high-tech supermarkets that recognize what you're buying so you don't have to scan anything. Imagine this technology being applied to sorting and identifying waste streams Greyparrot's solution identifies % of waste streams and returns the relevant data to industry, reducing manual labor and improving recycling. What was once a cost center becomes a new revenue stream through materials, while saving money on staff. Your action Understand and experiment with emerging technologies.

A tool is only as good as the hand that uses it, so to create real value, you must first understand what it means. This is possible through collaboration with research institutes and universities. Work together to harness the best of the triple bottom line : profit , people and photo editor planet . Successful startups combine individual needs with systemic problems All the startups here successfully capture the attention of their target audience in their own way, but the most successful are those that manage to combine individual needs and tackle systemic problems. In , startups need to meet customers where they are.

Help them move forward and shine a light on unforeseen issues. To achieve this level of success, use this simple yet powerful framework:  Focus on your purpose A nice interface doesn't make it anymore. Authentic brands that commit and 'talk the talk, walk the walk' prevail.  that aligns with your company's DNA. Find your “underdog” and make room for diversity in your process There is great value to be captured through small niches. Don't leave anyone behind. There are big companies in the smallest niches. Starting small is the secret to success in the startup world.


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