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SEM or Search Engine MarketingIn this case, it is also positioning our page in search engines or directories but paying for it. It has become one of the most important tools of Digital Marketing because the consumer uses these mechanisms at the end of the purchase funnel. Inbound MarketingIt consists of reversing the marketing pyramid. Instead of looking for clients with advertising, what it does is make it easier for them to find you and get to know you. Email MarketingIt is like the old postal mail but electronic. Widely used as a communication tool with clients and also to search for new clients.Social Media MarketingBrands now have a digital ID Number List identity and voice. are its greatest exponent. Affiliate or partner marketingThe best way to grow is through agreements and collaborations with third parties. On the one hand, there are networks that concentrate affiliates and, on the other hand, there is business development work with alliances. Remarketing or RetargetingThe ability to re-impact people who have visited your page, business or app . Native AdvertisingIt is advertising integrated into the media in such a way that it does not even look like advertising. e-CommerceIt is the transfer of traditional commerce to the digital world.
It involves transnational websites or apps where the online purchase or service occurs. Programmatic advertisingIt is a form of audience purchasing through technologies such as a DSP that allow you to segment the people you want to reach, changing the purchasing model in traditional advertising. This way, you bid for the medium where it is cheapest to impact them. One of the most typical ways to buy is through “ Look Alike ” audiences , which are users who are most similar to those who buy my product or service. Web AnalyticsAllows you to measure and understand how the user behaves through graphs and data.