Brazilian states between and promoted
Publisher s linkroutledge books details AUGUST JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES Toward Resource Independence Why State Owned Entities Become Multinationals An Empirical Study of India s Public R D Laboratories By Khanna Tarun and Prithwiraj Choudhury ABSTRACT—In this paper we build on the standard resource dependence theory and its departure suggested by Vernon to offer a novel explanation for why state owned entities SOEs might seek a global footprint and global cash flows to achieve resource independence from other state actors.In the context of state owned entities the power use hypothesis of standard resource dependence theory can be used to analyze the dependence of SOEs on other state actors such as government ministries and government agencies that have ownership and control rights in the SOE. Building on Vernon we argue that the SOE can break free from this power imbalance Chinese Overseas America Number Data and establish resource independence from other state actors by becoming a multinational firm and or by generating global cash flows. We leverage a natural experiment in India and outline both quantitative and qualitative evidence from Indian state owned laboratories to support this argument. AUGUST JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY Colonial Institutions Commodity Booms and the Diffusion of.
Elementary Education in Brazil By Musacchio Aldo André C. Martínez Fritscher and Martina Viarengo ABSTRACT—We show how the decentralization of fiscal responsibility amongan unequal expansion of public schooling. We document how the variation in state export tax revenues product of commodity booms explains improvements in expenditures on education per capita literacy and schools per children. Yet we also find that such improvements did not take place in states that had more slaves before abolition or those that cultivated cotton during colonial times. Thus we explain radical changes in the ranking of states as a consequence of changes in fiscal institutions and their interaction with colonial institutions.