Without speculating as to which
Further information says that the real author is not Minister Langšádlová and her office but a multinational corporation that operates in quantum computing and a select group of people led by a professor. However I did not have the strategy itself at my disposal so I cannot realistically evaluate it.However I would like to list a few of my concerns here:The strategy is formed by a commercial company moreover from abroad. Joint-stock companies have one goal to generate profit for their shareholders. So it can be assumed that the company in question intends to wholesale its services. company this is I would like to point out the following.In general framework cooperation is welcome. But we have to be careful about the conditions. For Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data example there is a typical Czech custom the so-called vendor lock-in where there is only one supplier of one technology often with a very complex or impossible change. This could be especially dangerous for quantum computers. It is important to ensure access to academics but also possibly startups to various quantum computers.
Example: although superconducting qubits now appear to be the most advanced this does not necessarily mean that they will be the winning qubit. I personally see photonics and spins as the winners so far. Moreover different algorithms are suitable for different types of qubits. Thus it is important not to subscribe to a single technology but to be so-called hardware agnostic and ideally have access to all types of quantum computers.