The Impact of G on SEO Strategies in
This performance indicator simply represents the ratio between the number of leads generated in relation to the number of visitors over the period analyzed. The conversion rate calculation formula Conversion Rate VisitorsLeadsNumber of leads generatedNumber of visitors x Calculating the visitorsleads conversion rate Calculating the visitorsleads conversion rate Theseperformance indicators are more than enough to analyze your BB website and validate that you are on the right path to achieve your objectives.Secondary performance indicators to analyze your website Now, in order to Mexico Phone Number Data improve the two performance indicators seen previously, you can also follow theseKPIs The Bounce Rate The bounce rate is a good indicator to check the interest visitors have in your website. A bounce, commonly speaking, is a person who arrived on your website and who leaves directly because they did not find what they were looking for. In fact, we will count as a bounce the fact that a user arrives on your website and does not take any action on the page.
If he decides to visit another page, click to play a video or other elements, then the session will be counted without bounce. A bounce rate that is too high also partly impacts your natural referencing SEO. This is a warning signal for Googleby putting you forward in the search results, it has recommended you and the Internet user is not satisfied. The formula for calculating the bounce rate Bounce RateNumber of bouncesNumber of visitors x Calculating the bounce rate Calculating the bounce rate