Add Alt attribute to image Use titles
Having said that. I am also aware that there are situations where we have to use PDF form. If you are also facing this problem. then read on and you will learn how to optimize your PDF for Google searc. How to optimize PDF files Most of the SEO elements you commonly see in HTML have the same text in PDF documents and are used in the same way as before. Due to its accessibility. many people still use PDF documents. So. let.s discuss below some ways to do search engine optimization on PDF files.Write quality content Add optimized titles Add optimized description Use relevant filenamesJoin link . Write quality content Google.s corporate mission is to organize the world.s information. Even if it.s not a web page. good content is always good content. I have seen Phone Number List a lot of hig.quality content in PDF documents. such as technical documents. white papers. etc. Some of the most valuable information on the web is hidden in PDF files.
Add optimized titles Just like web pages have title tags . PDF documents also have titles. Please note that many search engines use the title of the PDF to describe the document when displaying search results. If the PDF has no title. the file name will be displayed in the SERP . Here.s how to edit PDF titles in Adobe Acrobat Pro. Click File.Properties Edit title field optimized title pdf Translator.s Note. Use Adobe Acrobat Pro software to open the PDF document. select File in the navigation bar. and click Properties. You can edit the title in the Title column of the pop.up window .