What to do Content is kingly obvious
More specifically the fact that its algorithms will decide what we might prefer less content on our walls and what the deciding factors are has caused a lot of confusion in the industry to comment and share. So photos of so-called ż cats and naked breasts, as well as the company's seductive content, were pushed meters down the news feed. Looking back I can confidently say I won. As a user I don't see everything I want to see and as an admin I know fans don't see everything I post. That's why I made the next change announced last week. . The purpose of a news feed is to show you content that matters to you.Three important questions. More Important Friends Posts photos, videos and links from our friends will C Level Contact List jump higher. Apparently many people complained that they couldn't see everything throwing their surroundings against the wall. So posts from various ż will be lower. Unless we don’t want to see more pictures of someone’s child or someone’s idol. We can still stop watching friends like this. In this case what can the fan page owner do to keep the fans visible as before.
Paid positions. Friend activity is less important It is interesting to note that despite increasing the ranking of friends' posts, the value of information about their likes or comments decreased. It will definitely be easier for the average user. News feeds will be ordered if someone likes a mayonnaise brand or comments on some of the posts in the series. So the owners of Mayonnaise and the creators of the series shine because they automatically lose range. but increasingly important. News feed screen wall with little content you will have more.