Duty may only involve waiting for an order
Must remain sober. Refusal to be on duty, as a failure to fulfill an employee's obligation, may be justified only by exceptional circumstances, and failure to report to work after reporting readiness to work home duty by phone is gross negligence, justifying termination of the employment contract without notice due to the employee's fault. IMPORTANT While on duty even when on call , an employee cannot plan or perform any employee activities that would conflict with the obligation to immediately perform official duties.Type of work From the literal wording of the provision of Art.of the Labor Code states that on-callto perform philippines photo editor work resulting from an employment contract. The literature indicates that if work other than that described in the employment contract was performed by the employee on the basis of mutual agreement, even if limited in time, such work should be considered to result from the employment contract. Place and time of duty Place of duty.
The provisions of the Labor Code do not specify a specific place where on-call duty is to be performed - it may be performed at the workplace, as well as in another place designated by the employer or a person acting on its behalf, including the employee's home. Therefore, on-call duty may take place either at the company's headquarters, at the employee's home or in another place where the employee will have the opportunity to carry out work orders. On-duty time and rest Pursuant to the provisions of Art.