By participating in the auction
Which keywords are most likely to attract visitors to your website. If you are interested in learning more read the article choosing the right keywords for seo positioning where the tool also useful for seo is presented. The cost of the keywords is established through an auction procedure I advise you to start with a few keywords for which you have not managed to obtain a good organic positioning. As time passes you will quickly see which ones perform best and which ones don't in relation to the amount you decide to budget for advertising.You can then take care of modifying the list of keywords you are investing in. As you learn you'll be able to choose your keywords more strategically.for less .mon keywords that still allow your ads to be seen by a large audience you can therefore optimize your ppc investment and achieve Graphics Design Service good online visibility at the same time. Ppc ads how keyword auction works on google if you want your business associated with a certain keyword or phrase you need to submit a bid to google which is the amount you are willing to pay every time a visitor clicks your ad and is then sent back to your site or to your landing page.
Google then .pares your bid to all the others to choose which ad will appear at the top of the page. That said google doesn't automatically rank the highest bet first. In fact google also evaluates the relevance of your advertisement for the person carrying out the search. It's the .bination of relevance and price that determines your ad placement. This process occurs every time a search that includes your keyword is initiated meaning you may .lose. one auction but win another.