These can be photos or real-life images
Program language. In this category we can find elements that represent abstract concepts, such as arrows indicating direction, elements indicating movement such as the lines used. Indicates that the object is moving, as in the example below). How to create infographic elements such as different types of graphs, tables, charts, lines, etc. Also belongs to this category Also falls into this category.
Picture language involves more literal representations of specific objects in afghanistan dataset the physical world. . (like the ship example), but they can also be very synthetic and iconic illustrative images. How to make an infographic. It's important to remember that we need to be very careful when we talk about visual representation, especially non-verbal representation.
Be careful of different people’s interpretations Be careful how different people interpret different things. These interpretations are influenced by a variety of factors, such as cultural differences and the context itself. This means that if you show someone a butterfly icon and they speak, we shouldn't rely on our own values and treat them as absolute. To her it looks like a car engine and you should reconsider the image you choose to depict the butterfly.