4 new features of “Search Marketing” from SMX eMetrics Germany 2011
Apple Remote 5. GeoTweeter (Free) GeoTwitterMore than for the lazy, this application is ideal for those who move often. And he chirps, of course. If you are part of this category, you should try GeoTweeter, a free client with geolocation functionality for your tweets: it allows you to share maps and locations, show others where you are sending messages from, share opinions on public places, organize meetings, share updates during The travels. 6. Bump (Free) BumpI am speaking above all to iPhone users: the frustration of not being able to share photos and documents with others, without being forced to send emails or mms, is over.
With Bump, just bring two devices together and you're done. You can also send us mess Austria WhatsApp Number List ages for free. Too bad it only works between iPhones. Also available for Android . 7. WordPress (Free) WordPressI couldn't help but conclude my post with this: the blogging platform par excellence, mobile version. Also optimized for iPad , it allows you to use all the functions necessary to update your blog, wherever you are: moderate comments, create or edit posts and pages, add images and videos. You can also find it for Android , Blackberry and Nokia .
According to a recent survey conducted by Bright Local on Local Search , it emerges that 60% of consumers are more likely to contact a company that shows Images in the Google Map. the same survey, relating to the USA where shops have understood the importance of the web, confirms some fixed points regarding local businesses: a) Google places generates approximately one third of the visits to the sites of local shops or distributors in the USA. If we add the natural results, we go to about 50%. Ergo doing Local SEO for your points of sale means +50% in terms of traffic (or -50% if you don't do it).